At the class presentation my LED light got stuck in my sphere base model after being inserted with the Hallows sign the battery slot wasn't big enough.
It was suggested that I create a compartment for the battery to be housed in, that could be inserted into the bigger base design. It would need a mechanism that kept the two pieces together when the model was lifted or moved.
The dispersion of the light through the acrylic was a success.
The raster was positively commented on.
It was suggested that I explore what would happen if I printed the sphere hollow instead of solid.
To overcome the LED getting stuck on the battery a suggestion was made to create the bas in two parts. House the battery in one then crete a connection so the two could be pieced together.
It was suggested that I explore what would happen if I printed the sphere hollow instead of solid.
To overcome the LED getting stuck on the battery a suggestion was made to create the bas in two parts. House the battery in one then crete a connection so the two could be pieced together.
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