Monday, 31 March 2014

Rhino: Object 2

My pedestal that we had to make in class 3 for 3D printing...

Used a profile of one of the pieces of my bin model. Extruded that profile.
Cap planar holes
Turn on end points
Pulled out some of the points at the base. Going for a rocket like shape

All sides adjusted
For this model we were to make another model to place on top of it so it acted as a pedestal. They were supposed to be able to attach in someway. I explored different methods.

Placed a cuboid in the centre

Used the boolean difference tool to subtract the cuboid from the pedestal

Placed a cylinder in the centre

Used the boolean difference tool to subtract the cylinder from the pedestal
Placed a inverted cone in the centre

Used the boolean difference tool to subtract the inverted cone from the pedestal
I chose to use the cylinder subtracted model. Exported it as an stl.
I decided to both 3D print this model an cut it out with the laser cutter.

Laser Cutter model...

Imported stl into 123D Make
Though radial slices would be the best for this design 
Had to scale the model down to size 50x50x50 as is required by the brief
Final look
Plans for laser cutter in Illustrator

Final Laser Cut Product...

This model fits together nicely and stays together without help

3D printed product...

x axis 
y axis

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