Monday, 31 March 2014

Rhino: Object 7

Thought I may as well create a chair in Rhino as well...

Using the profiles from my bin model. Drew a connecting line
Used sweep two rails tool
Created three cuboids. Two as arm rests and the third as the back.
The chair on the left was my first attempt, made in exactly the same way as this one was. The back and arms were to skinny for 3D printing and the base to tall for my liking. The chair in the middle was my second attempt, but was still to skinny. The one on the right was my third attempt and was finally chunky enough for 3D printing.
I liked the idea of being able to laser cut this chair. On choosing a construction technique for cutting and assembly none of the available ones did the design justice or were going to cut and assemble the way I had pictured it

Interlocked. Even though this example is of the first attempt skinny chair, the concept did not work for any of the models the way I wanted it to
Exported stl of attempt three and imported into 123D Make
I decided to physically 3D print this model...

Yay it worked!

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